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As of September 2014, Facebook is the most popular social media site with 71% of all online adult users being active on the social media platform. As such, it is a great platform for your business to reach out to people and a business page is a great marketing tool. Below are 10 tips for effective marketing through your Facebook business page.

1. Customize your page:

Once you set up your page, you can customize it in various ways. You can control your page’s visibility, permit your fans to post on your timeline and moderate their posts. You can share details of your organization, and recieve notifications of activities as per your needs. And, you can control who among your staff accesses or manages your page.

2. Be active:

It is not sufficient to just create a page, you must keep it active. Post a status update everyday, share relevant content, promote your products, and share your blog posts on your page.

3. Post more than just promotional content:

Apart from posting content related to your products, you can also post milestones, offers, and events. But more importantly, your fans will appreciate you for sharing useful information that is more than promotional in nature. You can also pin a post to the top of your page to make sure it gets more attention.

4. Engage with your fans:

Know who your content is targeted at and post appropriately. Keep your posts short, use images, and provide links to your websites. Respond to posts from your fans and reply to their messages promptly – don’t keep them waiting. Ask them what they would like to see on your page. It is also a good idea to offer a few deals and previews exclusively on Facebook.

5. Promote your page:

To increase your reach, apart from inviting your customers and friends interested in your business to Like your page, you can also promote your page through Facebook’s paid advertising service.


6. Boost your post:

Like promoting your page, you can boost a few select posts. When you boost a post, it will appear in your audience’s news feed and you can reach out to their entire network. You can choose your audience to be those who already like your page or reach out to an entirely new audience based on their location, their interests, age, or gender.

7. Use PagesManager:

Available for iOS and Android, the PagesManager app allows you to update your page on-the-go. You can also receive notifications of activity on your page, and view or respond to them.

8. Use Page Insights:

Page Insights is a measurement tool that allows you to see the effectiveness of your strategy. You can see which post received the most engagement, how many people visited your page and how many liked it, as well as get demographics of your audience.

9. Use Adverts Reporting:

If you run an advertising campaign on Facebook, you can use Adverts Reporting to evaluate your campaign’s impact. You can also use Adverts Manger to make any changes to your campaign.

10. Learn more about Facebook for Business:

Facebook provides a range of options to help you promote your business and understanding these options will help you come up with a marketing strategy that will achieve your goals.

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We have discussed some more interesting tips and suggestions on Facebook marketing in a previous post – do check them out as well. We look forward to your thoughts in the comments below.

Image Credit: Sean MacEntee via flickr